MGMA to CMS: Allow ACOs three more years in Track 1
Under current regulations, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) can remain in the one-sided risk track (Track 1) of the Medicare Shared Savings Program for a maximum of two agreement periods totaling six years. After that, they must transition to a two-sided risk track or exit the program. At the end of this year, 111 Track 1 ACOs will face this cutoff for the first time. MGMA joined with several groups requesting that ACOs be permitted to remain in Track 1 for one additional three-year agreement period, provided they meet quality or savings criteria. The letter points out that ACOs that have been in the program longer tend to perform better. Adding a third contract term would allow additional ACOs the opportunity to successfully transition to a two-sided risk model in the future and avert a possible mass exodus of ACOs.