Medical Group Management Association’s MGMA Stat poll asked healthcare professionals about whether or not they have an emergency preparedness plan. More than 78 percent of the respondents stated that they have a plan in place in case of emergency while less than 18 percent do not have an emergency preparedness plan; the remaining 4 percent said they were unsure. This same poll was conducted in October 2016 with similar results.
Those who have an emergency preparedness plan in place often report that their plans cover inclement weather, fire, tornados and other natural disasters; loss of computer systems; workplace violence and active shooter(s). Some of the plans in place include Emergency Mode Operations, Disaster Recovery Plans and Contingency Planning. Many indicate that their plans have been tested over time with plan implementation due to natural disaster in their geographical location, periodic planned testing/ drills and work to collaborate with local resources such as fire departments and mental health specialists for optimization.
The poll was conducted on August 29, 2017 with 1202 total responses. Of this total, 12 indicated the question was not applicable to their situation with a net of 1190 applicable responses.
MGMA Stat is a national poll that addresses practice management topics, the impact of new legislation, and related topics. Participation is open to all healthcare professionals. Results of other polls and information on how to participate in MGMA Stat is available at: