As most medical practices lost significant visit volume during the COVID-19 crisis, restoring productivity as part of a long-term recovery plan is essential.
The MGMA COVID-19 Productivity Recovery Calculator is a revised version of the MGMA Productivity Growth Calculator. By entering a provider’s name, current average monthly wRVUs and current average monthly visits/encounters, you can set a monthly wRVU target goal to produce:
- Current average wRVUs per visit
- Additional visits per month needed to achieve the targeted wRVU goal
- Additional visits per day needed per day to achieve the targeted wRVU goal.
Utilize MGMA DataDive or your free data points included in MGMA membership to get the latest and most up-to-date data to use in this tool.
Disclaimer: While the additional visits data will be extremely accurate for non-surgical specialties, there is much more variety in the amount of wRVUs generated per encounter for surgical specialties. The calculator will still produce an accurate daily target growth goal for surgeons, but calculator users should remember that a single surgery/procedure often has the RVU value of multiple office visits, which should be kept in mind as it relates to the tracking of visits/encounters.
This resource is part of the MGMA COVID-19 Recovery Toolkit for medical practices.